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Some Photography works of Members of 7lightsPhotography

Outdoor Photography 

  L A N D S C A P E S

Outdoor Photography

M  O  N  U  M  E  N  T  S

Outdoor Photography

L  O  C  A  L   F  R  A  M  E 

In low light photography Choosing The Correct Settings should be the Primary Task for a Photographer.

The above Photograph is taken with a Compact Digital Camera //Point&Shoot
NIKON COOLPIX S5100 // MODE: Dusk (PreProgrammed)/(Pre-determined)
While Shooting Photograph in low light it is advisable that one should use a tri-pod for
the purpose of keeping the Camera Steady.
When shooting with a Compact Digital Camera the disadvantage is that there is no Manual Setting
The Shutter control is not in my hand therefore I have to manage some steady shots after a lot of trouble. Moreover I was on a moving ferry as the shot was taken while crossing the river on a motorized boat so lots of shakiness and vibrations.

© 2013 by 7 Lights Photography created with

594(N) East Maniktala

Debpally Ichapore Nawabgaunj

North 24 Parganas West Bengal


M: +91-9804-150860


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